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Showing: ppc-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
SDL-utils.lha dev/lib 959 522K 2011-12-05 m68k-amigaos icon SDL support libs - (readme)
rgba.lha 0.1.0 dev/lib 976 53K 2020-05-03 m68k-amigaos icon generic icon RGB / RGBA parsing / formatting library - (readme)
reSID.lha 0.16 dev/lib 1047 430K 2006-11-10 ppc-amigaos icon A cycle exact emu of the MOS6581 SID - (readme)
reSID-p2.lha 0.16 dev/lib 1031 507K 2006-11-10 ppc-amigaos icon An exact MOS6581 SID emu,SIDPLAY2 patched - (readme)
random.library.lha dev/lib 1074 3K 2011-08-21 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Unofficial random.library for MorphOS 1.x - (readme)
qscintilla2.lha 2.6 dev/lib 1041 4.7M 2011-11-24 ppc-amigaos icon Source code editing component for Qt - (readme)
qrencode.lha 3.4.1 dev/lib 981 1.2M 2012-12-16 ppc-morphos icon libqrencode - QR Code encoding library - (readme)
psgayemu.lha dev/lib 796 571K 2011-10-17 ppc-amigaos icon libayemu + PSG (Spectrum AY) support - (readme)
popt-m68k.lha 1.16 dev/lib 1151 77K 2012-01-23 m68k-amigaos icon A C library for parsing command line parameters. - (readme)
popt-aros.lha 1.16 dev/lib 1195 81K 2012-12-24 i386-aros icon C lib for parsing command line parameters - (readme)
poker-eval_133.0_mos.lha 133.0 dev/lib 885 814K 2007-01-01 ppc-morphos icon C library to evaluate poker hands - (readme)
plib.lha 1.8.5 dev/lib 1461 6.4M 2010-08-27 ppc-morphos icon A suite of portable game libraries - (readme)
pixman_i386-aros.lha dev/lib 786 157K 2010-01-21 i386-aros icon low level pixel manipulation library - (readme)
pixman-src_aros.lha dev/lib 895 545K 2010-01-21 generic icon low level pixel manipulation lib (src) - (readme)
PDCurses_OS4.lha 3.9 dev/lib 603 1.8M 2020-10-24 ppc-amigaos icon NCurses clone that outputs through SDL - (readme)
PDCurses.lha 3.9 dev/lib 1474 976K 2020-09-28 ppc-morphos icon PDCurses for SDL - (readme)
pdcurses-os4.lha 3.3 dev/lib 825 1.5M 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon NCurses clone that outputs through SDL - (readme)
openssl68k.lha 1.0.2a dev/lib 1117 1.3M 2015-03-21 m68k-amigaos icon OpenSSL crypto and SSL/TLS library - (readme)
openjpeg.lha 2.0.0 dev/lib 996 1.0M 2013-02-17 ppc-amigaos icon Open-source JPEG 2000 codec - (readme)
openal-soft.lha 1.7.411 dev/lib 1302 408K 2009-12-17 ppc-amigaos icon Cross-platform 3D audio API - (readme)
NucifragaLib.lha 1.0 dev/lib 835 21K 1996-05-18 m68k-amigaos icon Link library with utility finctions - (readme)
neon.lha 0.29.6 dev/lib 982 835K 2012-04-07 ppc-amigaos icon HTTP and WebDAV client library - (readme) 6.3 (build 2022.11.17) dev/lib 180 2.7M 2022-11-17 ppc-morphos icon ncursesw (ncurses with wide char support) - (readme)
mos_libs_1.0.lha 1.1 dev/lib 1052 15M 2017-03-20 ppc-morphos icon Many static C libs - (readme)
littlecms_dev.lha 1.0 dev/lib 837 179K 2005-05-22 ppc-morphos icon Little colormanagement library for MorphOS - (readme)
libzip_1.2.0.lha 1.2.0 dev/lib 982 4.7M 2017-03-06 ppc-morphos icon Zip oriented link lib - (readme)
libzip_0.11.lha 0.11 dev/lib 1087 1.3M 2013-03-29 ppc-morphos icon Zip oriented link lib - (readme)
libzip_0.11.1.lha 0.11.1 dev/lib 1172 1.3M 2013-05-16 ppc-morphos icon Zip oriented link lib - (readme)
libzip.lha 1.1.3 dev/lib 1759 766K 2016-10-16 ppc-amigaos icon Read, create and modify zip archives - (readme)
libzip-mos.lha 0.8 dev/lib 911 1.7M 2008-02-07 ppc-morphos icon Zip oriented link lib - (readme)
libyaml.lha 0.1.4 dev/lib 1007 311K 2012-12-19 ppc-amigaos icon A C lib for parsing and emitting YAML - (readme)
libyaml-cpp.lha 0.3.0 dev/lib 1018 3.9M 2012-12-19 ppc-amigaos icon A YAML parser and emitter for C++ - (readme)
libyahoo2-os4.lha 0.7.5 dev/lib 815 700K 2008-02-13 ppc-amigaos icon Add Yahoo2 support to your messenger app - (readme)
libxvidcore.lha 1.3.3 dev/lib 1201 624K 2014-11-14 ppc-amigaos icon Add XviD support to your app - (readme)
libxvidcore-src.lha 1.2.2 dev/lib 796 775K 2009-06-06 generic icon libxvidcore (source code) - (readme)
libxslt-1.1.22-bin-m68k.lha 1.1.22 dev/lib 778 1.5M 2010-12-07 m68k-amigaos icon Allows XSL transforms on XML documents - (readme)
libxml2_os4.lha 2.9.2 dev/lib 1475 7.5M 2014-11-07 ppc-amigaos icon The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome - (readme)
libxml2-morphos.lha 2.6.22 dev/lib 1672 6.5M 2006-08-18 ppc-morphos icon XML parser and toolkit - (readme)
libxml2-m68k.lha 2.7.8 dev/lib 1233 3.9M 2012-01-23 m68k-amigaos icon The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome - (readme)
libxml2-2.4.19.lha 2.4.19 dev/lib 1025 2.5M 2002-09-15 m68k-amigaos icon XML parser - (readme)
libxmi.lha 1.2 dev/lib 932 575K 2009-11-29 ppc-amigaos icon GNU 2D rasterisation library newlib/sobj - (readme)
libx264.lha dev/lib 1768 3.6M 2014-02-28 ppc-amigaos icon H.264/AVC encoder - (readme)
libx11.lha dev/lib 936 145K 1996-10-03 m68k-amigaos icon Link library to port X11 programs. - (readme)
libwww.lha 5.4.0 dev/lib 896 28M 2005-09-14 ppc-amigaos icon LibWWW - The W3C Protocol Library - (readme)
libwww-68k.lha 5.4.0 dev/lib 943 44M 2008-12-23 m68k-amigaos icon LibWWW - The W3C Protocol Library - (readme)
libwin32.lha 0.2 dev/lib 764 46K 2011-04-21 ppc-amigaos icon Wrapper for Windows API functions - (readme)
libwavpack.ppc-aros.tar.bz2 4.60.1 dev/lib 688 243K 2012-02-22 Hybrid Lossless Audio Codec - (readme)
libwavpack.lha 4.70.0 dev/lib 1282 609K 2014-03-22 ppc-amigaos icon Hybrid Lossless Audio Codec - (readme)
libwavpack.i386-aros.tar.bz2 4.60.1 dev/lib 652 234K 2012-01-02 i386-aros icon Hybrid Lossless Audio Codec - (readme)
libvstring.i386-aros.lha 2021 dev/lib 600 80K 2021-01-24 i386-aros icon dynamic string allocation/generation - (readme)
Found 349 matching packages
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