Short:        E class implementations with sources
Author: (Leon Woestenberg)
Uploader:     leon stack urc tue nl (Leon Woestenberg)
Type:         dev/e
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


  This is a part of some e class implementations that I have in
  development for use in my (future) programs. These are the ones
  that actually are functioning.


  These sources are released to be shared amongst E programmers and
  to help develop a public pool with e classes that can be used as
  building blocks for applications. Motivation for release was the
  Amiga E Object Oriented Project.


dd_modules tree

dd_modules (root)
  +-dd_debug (dir)
  | +-dd_debugon (macros)      Easy way to implement serial debugging...
  | +-dd_debugoff (macros)     and to disable it for final compilation.
  | +-dd_timenotify (class)    Timeout notification using messages.
  +-dd_dos (dir)
  | +-dd_filenotify (class)    AmigaDOS file/dir change notification.
  +-dd_graphics (dir)
  | +-dd_maxtextlen (procs)    Finds maximum textlength among messages.
  +-dd_gui (dir)
  | +-dd_screennotify (class)  Notification upon public screen open/close.
  | +-dd_gadgets (dir)
  | | +-dd_bottomslider (instance) Window bottom slider bar with arrows.
  | | | +-dd_borderslider (class) Window border slider.
  | +-dd_windowcontrol (class) Window enabling/disabling class with...
  | | +-dd_busypointer (class) Busypointer class for windows.
  | +-dd_onlinehelp (class)    Online AmigaGuide help class.
  +-dd_hardware (dir)
  | +-dd_ciatimer (class)      Allocates any CIA hardware timer.
  | +-dd_ciatimer_v40 (class)  The same, optimized for v40.
  +-dd_messages (dir)
    +-dd_messages (instance)        Builtin messages class instance.
    +-dd_localemessages (instance)  Localized messages superclass instance
      +-dd_messages (instance)      that inherits from builtin messages.