Short:        OS4 compatible version of AmigaE debugger
Author:       Wouter van Oortmerssen. Jason Hulance. Damien Stewart
Uploader:     hypexed yahoo com au (Damien Stewart)
Type:         dev/e
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4
Distribution: Aminet

EDBG-OS4 is a specially modified OS4 compatible version of the AmigaE EC compiler and EDBG debugger so that EDBG can be used to source level debug an E program running
directly on OS4.

It is by no means exclusive to OS4 as the modifications are to 68K code only and so it should also be fine on a real Amiga as well as systems like OS4 and MorphOS. And
possibly the AROS 68K emulator.

The dates if you look go back from years ago as well as to today. Over ten. Shockingly, that is as far back as I had a working version, but I never released it. Until now. I
always intended too. I did mention it briefly on Amiga forums but never recall being asked for a copy. So it got left on that dusty todo list.