Short:        Generate mazes for fun and profit (?)
Author: (Ragnar Fyri)
Uploader:     ragnar fyri daf no (Ragnar Fyri)
Type:         dev/amos
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

These programs are part of a bigger project that yu can read more about at

The algorithm is based on a program called SimpMaze that was published in a
magazine a couple of decades ago.

All three programs are found both as AMOS source and as compiled  execu-
tables. The executables even have icons so you can run them from Workbench.

RainMazer (if you wonder what the name means check the website) generates a
7*7 maze with visual feedback then asks if you want another. You can try to
solve the maze on the screen before you answer. The maze data is saved in
the file "Mazes" for further processing.

FastMazer is much faster because it works without graphics or delays. It
just asks how many mazes you want, generates them (and saves the data the
same way) then quits.

BigMazer works the same way as RainMaze and has nothing to do with the
mentioned project, I just wanted to see how big a maze could be with the
chosen graphics and how long it would take to generate. It stores maze data
in the file "bMazes".

A bit more information if you want to write any "programs for further pro-
Each room is represented by one byte where bits 0, 1, 2 and 3 are set if
the room has an exit to the north, east, south and west respectively. In
addition bit 5 is set to make each byte printable and make the file more
compatible with other programs (You may wish to Sort the file to check for
duplicates, for instance). The bytes are stored without separators, so each
maze is represented by one text line. The lines are separated by standard
AMOS EOL codes (CR+LF), so to access the file as a random file the record
length must be set to 51 (7*7+2).

  Ragnar Fyri
  Idunns vei 15
  1386 Asker