Short:        Intro from Revision Online 2021
Author:       Dekadence
Uploader:     Puni/Void (punivoid protonmail com)
Type:         demo/intro
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

  ______________  .____      _____  ______________   _________  ____    ____
 ____   _/   _/__|   |_____/  _  ____    /   _/___   _   |_/  _/__ /  _/__.
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|       /    Y        _        Y               Y     |   |   |    '   |  Y    |
|_____________    |___Y    |___|    |__    _____     .___|   |_____   |___    |
  --H7/dS!-- `----'   `----' - `----' `----' - `-----' - `---' -- `---'  `----'

                                 Boozedrome IV
                                   amiga 40k

                        britelite                 code
                        ricky martin        music, gfx
                        bracket                    gfx

                 Minimum requirements: 000/OCS with 512k/512k

                 Separate version for AGA-machines included.
                 (Should probably also be used for 040+ OCS/ECS machines)