Short:        ASM source for 'Retro 2016' intro
Author:       Legionary / OldSk00l Crackers
Uploader:     Legionary / OldSk00l Crackers <legionary3 gmail com>
Type:         demo/intro
Version:      1.0
Architecture: generic

About Source
I use this intro infront demos in my scene demo collection, like a
cracktro infront of a game hehehe. I release this source as freeware
source and you can do anything with it. If you do use it or like it
i would be happy if you mention my name, but it's not a demand. Anyway
the code is empty of comments and it's not fully relocatable, just the
PT-replayer is fixed, and it shouln't be to hard to fix it. The intro
does not like the VBR to be moved anywhere.

Legionary / OldSk00l Crackers 2016