Short:        "eclipse" by madwizards - 1st at xenium`99
Author: (noxis)
Uploader:     zorka19 puma tu koszalin pl (azzaro)
Type:         demo/intro
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                                a u t h o r s
     az0!/sea                    _ __ __   _   _____   ___   _    _______
     _ __ ___ __________________________| |_| |     | |   | |_|   \     //
    ____________  ____________          _____ |     | |___|        \   ·/
    \·          \/          _/____________  / |_____| __________ _  \  /
     \                     ·\·___           \         \         //--\\/|
      \        _  _        / \\       _     ·\_________\        /      |
    [==\--------\/        /===\-------/_______\·       /\     ·/|·    :|
      ____ __ _ /________/       «=============\              /=|    ::|.
     |_______________ ___       _ __   _   ___  \______/_____/==|...:::|=]
     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\ /           | |_| |   |  _    [=========|     _|=]
     m a d w i z a r d \ ` 2 k - 1        |___| |_| |__ _       |-----\

                       "E C L I P S E " 64k introduction
                          winner at  X E N I U M ` 9 9

                                 w a r n i n g
 L O N G  time  P R E C A L C U L A T I O N S.  at least 10 minutes on mc68030
   and about 4 minutes on mc 68060 processor. sorry but we need to calculate
               so many nice graphics for optimal visual effect...

                        p r o d u k k t i o n - t e a m
                  NOXIS - codework, 3-d modelling, conception
           PROTAS - sound ("in small 06" 4-channel protracker sound);
                               BUDGIE - graphics

                               g r e e t i n g s
     amnesty  anadune  appendix  darkage  depth  dual-crew-shining  floppy
         haujobb  kengooroo  monar  nah-kolor  network ozone  old-bulls
           phase-truce  picco  poison  przyjaciele-stefana-b  scoopex
           the-black-lotus  venture-boys  venus-art  whelpz  dreamweb
         ephidrena  decree  dione  adravedict  and some forgotten ones.

                                k k o n t a k t
                         noxis -
                        protas -
                   azzaro (hq) -

                                    d a t e
                         this is where we gonna start.
   "we`ve got to admit it`s getting better. it`s getting better all the time"
                   last retouches at Wed Jul 14 02:44:01 1999