Short: BORN AGAIN - Venus Art 64kb from Rush Hours`98 Author: bjsebo/venus art ( Uploader: bjsebo/venus art (bjsebo delta ii tuniv szczecin pl) Type: demo/aga Requires: 8Mb of fast ram + AGA or CGFX Architecture: m68k-amigaos ............. ..... ..... : : :...: : :.. ................. : :...... :.....: :..... :.. __ ____:_______________ : ____ __:____ ______: __ ___ | |_| __ __ |_:_ _| ___|___ | ___ || __ |_| _|_ __ _| || | || || |________ | | |___| ||____ _| |_ | ¯¯ __ _________|| ¯¯ __ |_| | |___| ____ | |__ | |________||____| |_____________| |______| |___| |_| |_____| : : : ....... :az0!/l124 :......: :.......... ... :. :....: :....: v e n u s a r t : venus art - virtual beauty experience in 1998 present new sixtyfourkilobytes intro called "b or n a g a i n" -[ credits ]- codework by noe executive producing by bjsebo audiosphere by wierza graphics by majkel textures by def -[ technical information ]- You will need at least 68030,FPU,8Mb of ram ang AGA to watch this intro. VA_BornAgain.nofpu does not require fpu,but is damn slow. blah, blah, blah... ??? -[ news ]- I thought that we will make a bit longer vacation ;-) - After a 3 months in polish army, Noe is finally back at work. He is working on a new Virtua Art 3D engine. Virtua Art 3D has been already ported to PPC, and SGI XWindow's. PC version soon ;-). - Quagmire II (xmas remix) was released in January. Not delivered for TP7 ;-( - Dolphinary - a music disk for 'PSL' was finally released. - 2 releases for PPC : 'Everything Dies remix' and 'Ghost in The Machine special edition'. Presented at RushHour '98. - A special version of 'Everything Dies' for SGI is ready. mail to for more info. - Venus Art is looking for a talented 3D graphician. read WantToBeVenusArtMember? fo more info [c] 1998 venus art. first presented at rush hours 2 c-party in czestochowa, poland held between april 25th - 26th, 1998. [p] ascii by link124 - minimal service company.