Short:        DISKOPOLO KUHL 1 - golden collection of PSB demos
Author:       mroova/psb
Uploader:     zorka19 puma tu koszalin pl
Type:         demo/aga
Requires:     a1200 is enough
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                      __________ ________   ___
                     _\  ___ _ /_\  ____/__|  /_______
                     | \ \  \/  |________ /_  ___    /_
                     |    \   __| _\   \/  |__\       |
                     |__   \___\ /       __|/__\      |
                      /_____\   /_________\     \_____|

                 p r z y j a c i e l e   s t e f a n a   b .

                       d i s k o p o l o   k u h l   1
               second place at staszic party 3 wild democompo

             codework:  mroova
                music:  ?
             graphics:  canal+ :)

         requirements:  a1200 or clones :)

this  presentation  could  be freely distributable and copyable.  it may be a
part  of  marvellous AminetCD series by Schatzruche software.  if you want to
contact the authors:   (karnister) (zorka19)   (lazoor)       (mroova - psb hq) (soon!)

no new members wanted, no swap offers - just real psychedelic action.
suspect something from us soon...
