Short:        Wild Demo from Agoa released at the Saturne Party 3 ( April 96 )
Author:       Agoa
Uploader:     Skull/Eremation
Type:         demo/aga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Enjoy this cool wild demo from The Saturne Party 3 held in Chelles/France in
April 96.
You will need something like 37 Mb to extract it.
It normally needs the ScalaMMPlayer to run. I've put the scala script and the
assign file, but you have to get the player by yourself. You still can watch
the anims by hand. Anyway, Agoa rules.... check and remember! :-)

Fast greets to Xibe, Eagle, Photos, Brainwasher, Solo, Suicyco, Michael,
Splatterhead, Noodle, Thunder, Ghandy, Volcryn, MJ, Plug, Gulp, Kalikone,
The Ripper, Orak.

           ____/\____/\____/\____/\__/\______/\  _  ___/\____/\
          /   __/      \  __/      \   \       \/ \/     \     \
         /     _>     _/   _>       \|  \/   \_/   \   |  \     \
         \      ¬\  |  \    ¬\ | |  /_   \    \     \     /  |  /
          \______/__;  /_____/_;_;_/_|___/____/_____/____/___;_/
                     \/ phs!