Short:        Infect presents a 2 Disk Rock-Tro!
Author:       Smack/Infect
Uploader:     epgbd cluster1 urz Uni-Halle DE
Type:         demo/aga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

on funet: pub/amiga/demos/INFECT/

This Production is a nice Rock-tro
made by your favourite crew!
Enjoy the sound and the really cool
lightwave anim!
Party on, dudes!

Released 02.02.95

Infect - your own personal Rulztkommando!

original dizcription:
          _       _
  .____._j \___._j \___.
  l___¬l____  ¬|      ¬| infect - thers no
  |    |  |____l_   ___j medicine against!
  |    |  ___j   |   |
|                                          |
|Hopefully - A 2 Disk Rock-Tro      (1/2)  |
|                                          |