Short:        IFT-Oscilloscopes for PT mods + Sampler
Author:       Smack/Infect (Michael Henke)
Uploader:     epgbd cluster1 urz uni-halle de
Type:         demo/aga
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a collection of some little oscilloscope programs. There is
one for playing ProTracker modules and three for use with a sampler.
A fast (68030+/FastRAM) AGA machine is recommended.

Outer space - in your face.

original file description:

+----] dA uNKULTIVIERT iNFECT kLAN [-------+
|_/¯\_____________________________________ |
!\_________  \_  _____  _____/______  __  \! 
_/    /   /   /  ___/  ___/_  /   /   /   /. 
\    /   /   /   //   /    / /   /   /___/ |
¡\__/___/___/___/ \_______/_____/___/      |
+-----------] brings ya [------------------+
           The Scope Package
    by your favourite coder god: Smack
          released 19-April-95