Short:        Play Wave files on your home page with Ibrowse
Author: (Eddie Ivanov)
Uploader:     eivanov tfs net (Eddie Ivanov)
Type:         comm/www
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Playing Wav files automatically on your web page for Ibrowse is simple.
Just add the following line with the path of your wav file.
<bgsound src="file.wav">
Where "file" is the name of the wav file. No plug-ins are needed for
users accessing your page. Play 16 needed in C directory for your users.

E-mail me for questions or visit the Amiga Games page at :

                  Eddie Ivanov -
       __________  _______  ____       ____  _______________________
      / _  \     \/  / __/ / _  \     / __/ / _  \     \  ___/    _/
     / _   /     /  / /__-. _   /    / /__-. _   /     / ___/_\   \
    /__/ _// _/_/__/\_____/_/ _/     \_____/_/ _/_/_/_/____//_____/