Short:        MarkIt 0.41-Add bookmarks to HTML files
Author: (Angus Mann)
Uploader:     amann mail usyd edu au (Angus Mann)
Type:         comm/www
Version:      0.41
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

MarkIt is a small shell util that lets you quickly and easily add web URLs and
their description to HTML list bookmark files, compatible with all web browsers.
It allows the user to configure a list of bookmark files, (so that bookmarks can
be easily found, e.g AmigaBookMarks.html or SearchEngines.html) and then to add
web page URLs and descriptions to any of the pre-defined files, or to another
(unlisted) file.

MarkIt is freeware - there is no charge for its use, nor for distributing it.

It should run on pretty much any Amiga out there, and has no special