Short:        JavaScript random routines on HTMLpage Aweb+IBrowse comp
Author: (Mark Weller)
Uploader:     mark kontumnam freeserve co uk (Mark Weller)
Type:         comm/www
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


I was sent a JavaScript routine to do Random text,images + urls
 the random routine can be applied to many useful things.

 I have included three example that can be changed and adapted
  very easily.

 (remember to to press the reload button in the browser to see
   the random effect).

 random.html    - shows some text and numbers random.

 randimage.html - shows five dice images random - you could easily
                  change this into a yahtzee game or replace images
                  with playing cards. If you have buttons on your
                  web page to select different pages, have the
                  buttons random - each time the user visits your
                  site. - endless uses.

 randbard.html  - I have converted a classic 'c' (unix) program
                  called Bard which is a good example of random
                  text - very funny. (I have included the 'c'

 I have included the source on the web page inside a form text
  which you can cut and paste or if your browser is set up
  click the edit button. for some reason AwebII 3.3 strips the
  html tags but Ibrowse 2.x does not. these routines have not
  been tested in Voyager 3.x.

  E-mail me if you find this usefull.
    if not sorry for wasting your time.
  mark weller - e-mail:
