Short:        A patchless printing fix to IBrowse 1.2
Author:       Same as Uploader
Uploader:     whomiga missingpiece com (Richard H  Poser II)
Type:         comm/www
Requires:     IBrowse V1.2 - Kickstart V37+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

I was getting tired of having to leave IBrowse to copy the temporary
file produced by the broken printing function of IBrowse V1.2 to the
printer, and after a bit of thought I wrote this program.

This program is a simple commodity that uses the Notify function to
check for modifications of the file RAM:tmp.txt and copies the file to
PRT: if a change is noted.

Very simple to install - to have it run each time you start the system
just copy to the WBStartup directory, or just start by double clicking on
the Icon prior to printing with IBrowse V1.2.

This file is Freeware - only useful until 1.21 and/or 2.0 are released.
(Hopefully quite soon)