Short:        Manage & share a hotlist among browsers
Author:       Robert Nienkemper, Den Helder, The Netherlands
Uploader:     Robert Nienkemper <robertn tip nl>
Type:         comm/www
Version:      HotListHandler 1.10 (30-Mar-97)
Replaces:     HLHandler10.lha
Requires:     OS 3.0+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: Not restricted. Shareware (US$10)
Date:         30-Mar-97

HotListHandler (HLH) will manage your hotlist!

Share one hotlist with all the browsers available for the Amiga.
If you use more than one browser then use HotListHandler.
If you stick with one browser, well, use it anyway.

HLH features:
 o A nice toolbar
 o Easy to use
 o Share one hotlist among Amiga browsers
 o Offers a QuickMenu for fastlinks
 o Creates an index when viewing the hotlist through a browser
 o Grab URL's from browsers* (if the browser supports it via ARexx)  
 o Edit the hotlist while off-line (create Groups, add URL's, etc.)
 o Jump to any public screen
 o Totally font sensitive
 o AddToHotlist conversion
NEW features:
 o Sort a hotlist
 o Search a hotlist
 o An HLH ARexx port
 o More Tooltypes for a better startup
 o Multiple hotlist support (Open, Save As)
 o Step through groups
 o Print a hotlist
 o Use the "hide" flag from AWeb hotlists
 o Support for Voyager-NG
 o And more.....

HLH supports:
 o AWeb
 o IBrowse
 o Voyager*
 o Mosaic
 o Voyager-NG*

HLH requires:
 o an Amiga with OS 3.0 or better.

 HotListHandler is Shareware (US$10), but is not crippled in any way.

* QuickGrab cannot be supported with Voyager as these browsers have no
  ARexx command to share the URL with other programs.