Short:        Converts form results to text/html/guide
Author:       Chris Page <>
Uploader:     Chris Page <dasoft zetnet co uk>
Type:         comm/www
Version:      1.3 BETA 4
Requires:     No special requirements.
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

If you do not have access to cgi-bin scripts and are forced to have form
results mailed to you then you will know how annoying it is to reformat
the results. This utility does that for you and can convert the form reply
into plain text, ANSI, HTML or Amigaguide.

This version fixes a number of bugs. Please remove the original version.

Listing of archive 'Form2Text.lha':

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    2913     723 75.1% 02-Aug-97 11:00:18
   15796    8884 43.7% 11-Aug-97 11:22:36 +Form2Text
    7908    3162 60.0% 11-Aug-97 11:11:42
    5128    1604 68.7% 03-Aug-97 13:52:44
     564     341 39.5% 11-Aug-97 11:19:48 +Form2Text.readme
    1233     682 44.6% 12-Jun-97 14:01:40
     816     407 50.1% 03-Aug-97 12:17:34 +DMakeFile
       0       0  0.0% 11-Aug-97 11:22:16 +Errors
   16843    4559 72.9% 11-Aug-97 11:21:54 +Form2Text.c
     127      98 22.8% 02-Aug-97 11:23:32 +Form2Text.dccprj
     897     714 20.4% 02-Aug-97 11:00:18
     515     262 49.1% 11-Aug-97 10:59:34 +Form2Text_rev.h
     675     377 44.1% 11-Aug-97 11:03:02 +Form2Text_rev.log
      13      13  0.0% 11-Aug-97 10:59:34 +Form2Text_rev.rev
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   53428   21826 59.1% 11-Aug-97 11:24:00   14 files