Short:        CLI based altavista web searcher v0.2a
Author: (Michael Cheng)
Uploader:     memfc alinga newcastle edu au (Michael Cheng)
Type:         comm/tcp
Version:      0.2a
Requires:     ixemul43+ ixnet.library v1+
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

A fully functional utilitiy for accessing the AltaVista
search engine by using the CLI.  No web program needed.

Written by myself, for myself, but if anyone else does find it useful,
drop me an email.

Update from v0.2
    - now defaults to 10 matches if you don't specify

Update from v0.1
    - find more than 10 hits. (max set at 50)
    - now matches a maximum of 8 words.
    - includes phrase matching. (put phrase in double quotes)
