Short:        Have a user defined IP.
Author:       Joao Cabral ( )
Uploader:     lombi iprimus com au (Lorence Lombardo)
Type:         comm/tcp
Version:      5.5
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

See above URL for more information.

Compiled under "ixemul.library" 48.0

NB: I compiled this for myself but could not get it to work. But just
    because I could not get it to work does not mean that there was
    anything wrong with my compile. Feed back on its operation would be
    appreciated so then we can determine wheather or not it should be
    deleted from the aminet.

DHIS is a client-server based system architecture primarily meant for
updating DNS for hosts that have dynamic IP addresses. With DHIS you can
have your computer always recognised and available on the Internet with the
same unique name, even if its IP address changes frequently.

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