Short:        A tick/files manager for DLGMail.
Uploader:     dbucher horus ch
Type:         comm/dlg
Version:      1.6a
Replaces:     1.6
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This program attaches incoming files, if they are accompagned with TICKs !
You should also have DBAreafix, it would be wiser, but it isn't necessary.

Infos at ...


Last bugfix : 19.07.1997

[1.6a] Bug removed

[1.6] Small change : If you configured the senders in 3D and they now send
their address in 4D (or the contrary) it works nevertheless :-)

[1.5] Changes are a small improvement in the search of incoming files (files with
TrapDoor's ",1" ",2" ... are now recognized !)