Short:        Demo of Falcon CBCS, Opus clone
Uploader:     BIRJT cc newcastle edu au
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Type: comm/bbs


Author: Brian Fehdrau

Falcon CBCS   A FidoNet-compatible semi-clone of Opus CBCS.  
Features ANSI support (w/ or w/o color); a versatile message base with 
several reading methods and marking of favourite areas; both line-
based and screen-based message editors; batch/resumable file 
transfers through the XPR standard transfer protocol libraries;
expandable/custom menus; able to call doors which need only work 
in a CLI/Shell and exit cleanly and quickly on a ^C; easy 
delegation of responsibilities to assistants, subops and
librarians; many security methods/barriers for file and	message
areas, such as level requirements or locks & keys; ...and many 
other features which fall victim to the need to cut this 
description short.  One more thing that should be noted is that
it is 2.0-compatible.

This is a Demo / unregistered version.  It will not allow file 
transfers greater than 50K.  Registering gets one a 488 byte
personalized keyfile whose presence allows full transfers.

Reality:  Brian Fehdrau
Internet:  (best, but only until Dec.91)
Fidonet:  1:140/22[.2]@FidoNet