Short:        The best KFB filelist gen available
Author:       C.C.Wilson, sysop Amiga-Phoenix Liverpool UK +44 (0)151 283 6406
Uploader:     ca19 rapid co uk (M Pittam)
Type:         comm/bbs
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

\/  The BEST KFB Filelister available  \/
/                                       \
\ Super-fast filelist generator for KFB /
/                                       \
\ Allows up to 50 areas to be excluded! /
/  + section names + start / end FBxx   \
\                                       /
/   All via a little text config file   \
\                                       /
/\-* AMIGA PHOENIX BBS 0151 283 6406 *-/\