Short:        Simple program (in C) to make TrapDoor poll
Author: (Denis BUCHER)
Uploader:     dbucher horus ch (Denis BUCHER)
Type:         comm/bbs
Version:      2.0
Replaces:     DBPoll.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Very usefull utility that enables you to poll any node from shell.

Usage explains all :

8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NDBPoll V1.9 ©1995-97 Denis Bucher
Usage : Poll [i] node [c]
        Poll ?
 i    for international mode. Without i, prefix "2:301/" will be added
 c    for continuous polling (with)
 node is the node you want to poll
 ?    for this complete help
Exemples :
  poll i 322      ...will poll 2:301/322.0
  poll i 322 c    ...will poll 2:301/322.0 continuously
  poll i 317.3    ...will poll 2:301/317.3
  poll 1:202/720  ...will poll 1:202/720.0
You must have Traptell and Tdialc in "Trappath:"
First line in "ENV(ARC):DBPoll.cfg" must contain TD Portname
Second line in "ENV(ARC):DBPoll.cfg" may contain Fido_prefix

8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Denis Bucher
(Fido: 2:301/317)