Short:        Updates TurboCalc 5.00 -> 5.01 (D,E,F,I - 06.12.97)
Author:       Michael Friedrich / Schatztruhe GmbH
Uploader:     Michael Friedrich <s_friedr ira uka de>
Type:         biz/spread
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

The lha archive which accompanies this text file updates TurboCalc 5.00
(all versions) to the latest version TurboCalc 5.01 (06.12.97)
A list of all changes can be found in the file 'History'.

Note:  * You need TurboCalc 5.00 (CD-ROM or disk version),
         TurboCalc 3.5/4 users please contact your local dealer
         or (
       * You do not need any of the previous updates

Please, read your language's file (in the respective sub-directory)

The latest version of TurboCalc and more information (including new
catalogs, example sheets and more) is available at TurboCalc's homepage: